If you believe that you are eligible to be an IAQFP Certified—Financial Planner to thereby be listed in the world’s largest, most well-known Registry of Financial Planners—QFP Verification Registry of QUALIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS—then click onto the bottom of this page to Register / Certify and Affiliate with IAQFP now!

Are You A Qualified Financial Planner?

If you hold out to the public as a “Financial Planner,” and think of yourself as duly qualified…we encourage you to become an IAQFP Certified—Financial Planner, eligible to use the professions single, unifying QFP credential, and to thereby be determined as eligible to be listed in our free 24/7 online public resource known as the QFP Verification Registry of Qualified Financial Planners.

IAQFP, believing in the Financial Planning Professions ideal of One Profession—One Designation,” introduced the QFP—QUALIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER credential in March 2003 in its’ ongoing successful effort to unite the professionals and the profession of Financial Planning.

IAQFP has openly granted all those having earned one or more of the following equivalent designations of Financial Planning, use of the QFP—QUALIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER credential:

ChFC® (Issued by: The American College)

PFS™ (Issued by: AICPA)

CFP® (Issued by: CFP Board)

MSFS (Issued by: The American College)*

MS (Issued by: The College for Financial Planning)*

*(the latter two with a concentrated study in the Financial Planning Professions learned Methodology & Discipline).

IAQFP did this, in part, to help in unifying the profession and to make readily available, to a much deserving public, the largest possible pool of duly accredited IAQFP Certified—Financial Planners, universally known as QFP—QUALIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS.

A serious problem exists for the general public when financial services persons loosely also refer to themselves as “Financial Planners,” often including financial and other credentials that are, however, not specific to nor even representative of the now well established Financial Planning Professions learned Methodology & Discipline.

The general public, in looking at this ever-growing “alphabet soup—designations maze,” is often confused as to who is really qualified to assist them with, specifically, their Financial Planning needs. In fact, they are often unable to even easily distinguish the professionals of Financial Planning from those of the Securities, Insurance, Accounting, Tax, Legal fields, etc..

The result is that properly qualified individuals, as you may well be, are being confused with those who are not actually trained Qualified Financial Planners, resulting in your being overlooked for your Financial Planning services and capabilities, while those without such qualifications are instead being called upon, by an unsuspecting public, gaining their trust and business—an outcome that is not fair to you or to a public that is seeking better direction and solutions to their Financial Planning needs.

IAQFP was formed, in part, to end this dilemma, and introduced the QFP—QUALIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER credential (see here Statement of Minimum Qualifications for QFP), to end public confusion and to serve as the Professions single, unifying credential.

We are pleased to bring to your attention that you, like the many thousands of worldwide authorized users who have earned at least one of the above listed credentials researched by IAQFP as specific to the Financial Planning Professions learned Methodology & Discipline, have been openly granted approval to not only use the QFP designation but to also be listed in the 24/7 FREE public resource, known as the: QFP Verification Registry of Qualified Financial Planners here: QFP Registry.

If you are not listed in the online QFP Registry…we encourage you to do so today. Registering today not only helps the public in properly identifying you, but it also provides the public a 24/7 free online resource to easily both VERIFY and FIND duly qualified persons. Therefore, we strongly urge you to become a QFP Registrant today via the following link: Register/Join

IAQFP offers 2-TYPES of Affiliation; namely, as a MEMBER or Associate, which is not the case with the FPA or other credentialing or membership organizations that charge excessively high fees/dues to be in there online resource. See here to learn more about the IAQFP AFFILIATION Value-Added Proposition.

At long last the public has a free, single location, where it can easily both VERIFY and FIND a QFP—QUALIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (such as you may indeed prove to be), along with the thousands of other equivalently and duly credentialed professionals.

The QFP Verification Registry also serves to represent perhaps the best and most cost-effective advertising/marketing venue of any within the entire Financial Planning Professions marketplace today.

We hope that you too will soon be a part of the IAQFP Unification Solution, by proudly Registering your QFP and choosing your Affiliation TYPE today as either a valued MEMBER or Associate